Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Change and Hope: For the Disillusioned and Mediocre

A Change We Can Believe In

So we need a change? What is so bad that we have to change from? Dems, I imagine would respond that we need to change the following:

1) George Bush's failing economic policies- he guided us through 9/11 which had great impact on our financial community/structure, average household income was higher during George Bush than Bill Clinton (contrary to current claims), the stock market reached its highest during George Bush's term, unemployment was lower during Bush's terms than during Clinton's term.

2) Repair our image throughout the world- We freed a country from a horrible dictator (yes, I know, Dems will say, "we went in for the WMD's that were never there! Bush lied"), and I am sure Saddam was pursuing WMD and might have had some buried in the desert kind of like they did with Mirage and MIG fighter jets (see picture below)

3) Stop Giving Tax Cuts to the Wealthy- what in the heck is wrong with being wealthy? Why does the government feel obligated to give that money to people who just want to remain lazy and leach off the system? I have a one word answer for you: socialism....We are punishing people economically for going the extra step through the universities to get their degrees, the people who stepped out on a limb to start a business and made it grow, and those people who have worked hard to rise up in their companies.

The Dems are equating wealthy people to CEO's with golden parachutes, investors who frauded the market....it is all a ploy to get the majority populous to feel like victims and and those who are mediocre who just want a free ride to buy into all of this nonsense.

4) Failed Strategy in Iraq and Afghanistan- I believe that Iraq and Afghanistan are now free countries; men and women can now vote, education for all children, entrepreneurialship is growing like fire in Iraq and Afghanistan. Sure seems that Iraq and Afghanistan failed to me!!

1 comment:

MJA said...

You must not have received the memo, originally drafted by Saul Alinsky and repeated to the T by Obama and his media friends:

Things are terrible, the worst ever.

These terrible things are all attributable to the GOP.

Obama, despite any actual evidence whatsoever to back this up, can and will lead us out.

Any reference to counterevidence is not real evidence, and you are a racist hick for even mentioning it.